NEEDS: Some way of transferring files to a UNIX based system
This is the latest version of the Beams and Whiteside Software authentication and locking daemon. This daemon should be used if you need file locking capabilities, since NFS/Share does not support the LOCKD locking daemon.
To use, you must:
1. Download this file.
2. Double-click on the BWNFSD 3.0.sea file to decompress it.
3. Send the three .c files and one makefile to your UNIX host.
4. Use *one* of the following make commands to compile and link BWNFSD:
a. make sun
b. make bsd
c. make sys5
d. make sgi
e. make sco
f. make aix
5. Next, you must launch bwnfsd and give it an argument. The argument will be ANY exported file system (check your /etc/exports file for this information). Note: You should launch this as a root process.
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